craft foo, life & times

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  • Snips'n'shards

    tersa Oct 25, 2010 11:17

    cooking, hockey, tv:star trek:tos, sports other than hockey, craft foo, mundane life

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  • Mental cleansing

    tersa Oct 18, 2010 15:18

    Writing about my weekend has become such a habit that today, despite not entirely feeling it justified, I'm posting about it just to de-clutter the cruft from my brain so I can move forward to the week.

    Weekendage, in no particular order. Includes food, food, some more food, crafting, hockey, and Sprout )

    cooking, hockey, sports other than hockey, craft foo, food reviews, mundane life

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  • Ohm

    tersa Oct 15, 2010 10:53

    craft foo, mundane life

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  • Nicenquik

    tersa Oct 11, 2010 09:16

    tv:fringe, craft foo, mundane life

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  • The mundane

    tersa Oct 06, 2010 14:30

    cats, tv:fringe, craft foo, food reviews, mundane life

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